Question answer

Here you will find an overview with answers to frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What is PriceFacts?
PriceFacts is a revolutionary price comparison system that offers you the opportunity to compare the prices and offers of the major computer wholesalers via the Internet.
Who is PriceFacts for?
PriceFacts is fully tailored for use by resellers, distributors and manufacturers of computers, software and peripherals. To be able to use PriceFacts, you must: a Chamber of Commerce extract to prove that you work in this sector.
Which suppliers are listed in PriceFacts?
More than 50 computer wholesalers targeting the Dutch market are currently listed in PriceFacts. All suppliers can be found in the menu under the heading suppliers
How many and which products does PriceFacts search?
By default, PriceFacts searches the complete range of all suppliers, which currently amounts to more than 1.8 million items, ranging from mouse pads to complete notebooks.
Can I order products through PriceFacts?
No, PriceFacts is primarily a price comparison system, not an ordering system. Products must be ordered directly from the relevant supplier. You must ensure that you are registered as a customer with the supplier.
What kind of prices are there in PriceFacts?
Normally, the generally applicable prices are used within PriceFacts. However, it is quite possible that you have made agreements with a certain supplier, as a result of which that supplier charges you lower prices (see also Customer-specific prices). All prices within PriceFacts are exclusive of VAT.
Can PriceFacts also show my own, customer-specific prices?
Yes, PriceFacts offers a number of suppliers the option to view your own, customer-specific price in the detail screen of the product found in addition to the generally applicable price. You can request this service per supplier in your account settings
How often are prices on PriceFacts updated?
PriceFacts is updated every hour 7 days a week from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Is PriceFacts also available as a data link?
We are currently working hard on a data link via an API.
How can I renew my annual subscription?
30 days before your subscription expires, when you log in, you will be given the option to renew the subscription. This does not happen automatically.
How can I convert my trial subscription into an annual subscription?
When your trial subscription ends, you will be given the option to renew the subscription when you log in. This does not happen automatically.
How can I reactivate my already expired (trial) subscription?
Log in with your username and password. If your (trial) subscription will expire soon (within 30 days) or has already expired, this will be reported during login. You can then choose to take out a subscription or to renew your current subscription. This is also possible if your current subscription has already expired.